Galician Cherries

I am always surprised by the fertility of the land here. Well, it rains all the time and for a person coming from California and Syria, this abundant water is incredible to me.

Sunday I went to a friend´s house and she showed me their garden. They had planted (and growing) there: lettuce, spinach, leeks, onions, blackberries, raspberries, tomatoes, cherries, apples, nectarines, hazelnuts, walnuts, oranges, olives, rosemary, thyme, lemon thyme, squash, pumpkins, eggplant, artichokes, and I´m sure I´m forgetting something but you get the picture. This further proves that water is life. There is water here and sun as well, along with good soil, and voilá!

Yesterday I went to have lunch with one of my Galician Mommies, I have two :). She brought me a plastic bag full of cherries from her tree. After my lunch of tortilla española with fresh bread, tuna and peppers, I had a café con leche and then sat in the sun with my mamita and ate fresh, homegrown cherries! I just wanted to share that with everybody because I keep getting requests for updates and you guys just want to know about my life, so there you have it, a small detalle (detail) of my life here.

Un beso.


Wilde Quote


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