A little slower

I took my morning walk a little slower today.  I am doing a detoxification cleanse with a friend of mine so my body is not in-taking the same amount of energy as it normally does, so I'm taking it easy on the physical exertion.  It is amazing to make a change to your lifestyle and watch the effects on the body.  

There must have been rain at some point in the night because the sandy path on which I walk was wet and smooth - it no longer bore witness to creatures' foot steps.  I liked that my foot steps were the first to break the wet, sandy shell that covered the path.  It was chilly and windy, but nothing like the violent winds of yesterday that awoke me in the night - the sound of branches breaking and leaves rustling.  The ocean was a deeper blue today and there was a soft pink haze above the horizon.  The waves crashed with meaning, rotating mechanically, one after the other, after the other...I thought isn't it mechanics that mimics nature, not the other way around?  



Morning flowers