The human condition

Or what little I know of it.

I guess the human condition is not learning from history or the experiences of others. I hear people say, when will we learn? But that's just it, dear souls, the human condition is not learning and effectively repeating history.

I went and got my plants from my office the day before yesterday. My office felt barren without the greenery but my little house has come to life. More to life, I mean.

Trying not to squish my money tree in the passenger seat

It's so nice seeing so many people out walking together as couples or families. Maybe as friends or neighbors. And kids riding their bikes around the neighborhood.

I've been thinking about people I used to see often and I'm wondering how everyone is holding up? I know my friends in the service industry are struggling and I'm so sorry for that. Please call or text me if you need someone to talk to.

That's all for now. I hope everyone is sheltering in place and not gaining the covid-19 (lbs).




Embracing ephemera