“We read to know we are not alone.”

Bringing Life to the Story
My Writing…
reflects how I make sense of the world — it is my internal dialogue, in both fiction and non-fiction — of how I see society and my analysis and commentary about it.

Mental Musings
Stolen Bikes and Silver Linings
I learned last week that the turnstile at work had reopened and pre-covid—when I wasn’t traveling—I biked to work. I would park at the bike racks outside the facility where I worked, a military base, and walk through the turnstile. I was elated at the idea of biking to work again. In the morning I planned my day around it, like I used to; packed shoes in my bag, and wore sensible ones; pumped my tires with air; and made sure I had the key to my bike lock. [read more]
Ladyfingers and a Charlotte Malakoff Cake
While everyone was stocking up on toilet paper and wipes, I bought the essentials: unsalted butter (freezes well), champagne and sparkling wine (these are difficult times), organic sugar, and lots of chocolate. Can someone please explain to me why people were hoarding toilet paper for an impending respiratory disease? [read more]
Laguna San Ignacio, Baja, Mexico
Hola de Laguna San Ignacio, Baja California, Mexico. I am fortunate enough to have fun-loving, adventurous friends. I guess it’s true what they say, birds of a feather flock together. But anyhow, some friends of mine asked if I would be interested and available to join them in flying down to Baja California in their little Cessnas. [read more]

Who is Sally?
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Want to give feedback, get in touch, pitch me a story idea, or just send me your favorite poem? I'd love to hear from you!