Story of Your Life

I think life is like reading a book.  You know when you're reading a story and a character gets introduced or does something and you don't think anything of it but later on in the story it makes sense why that character was introduced or why the protagonist took that job.  That's how I see life.  You make a decision out of fear, impulsion, gut feelings, advice, how you were raised, no reason at all, etc. and at the time you may not understand why, (or even a month or year later) but if you look at your life like one long story, these decisions may not make sense until the very end of your life.That's not to say you should go about living your life carelessly or overly cautiously, but rather don't try to understand everything right now - just accept it and be thankful for the experiences you've had.  Live your life to the best of your ability - do what you love, be kind, be spontaneous - it'll all come together as it needs to as the story of your life.  :)   


Happy (balanced) Thanksgiving

