Travel Day

I am in Paris, waiting for my next flight (to Tunis).  I want to re-emphasize my belief that travel is magical.  Being outside of one's element is so important and traveling with an open heart is vital.  If you have not yet gathered, I'm not a resort or tour kind of traveler but on the other end of the spectrum, closer to the couch-surfer variety but not all the way there.On the first plane, I watched a movie I had been meaning to watch for a few months now, the Music of Strangers.  If you get the chance, I highly recommend it.  Renowned cellist, Yo-Yo Ma brings people together from countries along the Silk Road, combining music of the instruments from those countries.  The passion, the talent, and the tragedy are incredibly touching.  Not to mention the powerful and beautiful music that is created by this group of amazing individuals.


Evening in Tunis

