Generosity and Apple Pie

I think the original saying is "motherhood and apple pie." Which is meant to mean something wholesome. What does that mean, wholesome? Like the love of a mother and the deliciousness of an apple pie? Well I'm going to go with that and in my experience and understanding, motherhood is about generosity because moms (most, at least) give a lot of themselves to their children. Thank you, mommas.It's pretty cool, now that I'm an adult learning things on my own in America, I am learning American culture. While I was raised here, my parents were the main influencers of my life as a child and so I learned the world through their cultural lens. We speak Arabic to one another and so sayings and proverbs are obviously in Arabic and while many overlap in meaning, the references reflect the unique cultural nuances.Anyhow, the purpose of this post is to express how sweet some people are and that they make life beautiful. And of course, an apple pie was involved.A few weeks ago I was at a friend's house and his wife pulled out this cool kitchen contraption that cores, peels, and slices apples all at once. It was so cool! I had never seen anything like it and I was fascinated. Fast forward to a few weeks later and one of the friends that was at our mutual friend's house sends me a text message to say he has something for me. He wanted to meet up so he could give it to me. When we met up this is what was waiting for me:I was blown away! I love gift wrapping. I understand that it is strictly ephemeral, that is, lasting only a short while but I think it's important to appreciate things in their due time. A life lasts years, decades, but when it comes to an end, it ought to be celebrated and not clung onto. A gift is wrapped with the intention of being beautiful and enjoyed by the receiver but then it is meant to be ripped open and the contents enjoyed. While the wrapping is so beautiful and delicate it was done with the intention of a short-lived enjoyment.Inside was the apple corer, peeler, and slicer. What a sweet gift! It totally made my day.Naturally, I needed to make an apple pie. One to try out my new toy but two as a thank you for the gift. My friend later told me the gift was a boomerang gift, that he was benefiting from the gift himself in receiving apple pies. This was the first time I had made an apple pie! A two-crusted cinnamony, sweet apple pie. I actually don't know how it turned out because I gave it away whole but it was eaten within the day so I take that as it was at least edible :).You gotta love how kind people can be. It's so easy to make someone's day. I mean it's one thing to buy someone a birthday present but a present just because you thought of that's just so sweet!


Easiest Upside-down Apple Galette


Cibo, Monterey