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Morning walk on the beach with my dad
—Sally Baho
Faith is Unconditional
It was beautiful out. The sun was shining and there was a whole flock of seagulls in the water. I walked up to them and they made way for me begrudgingly.
The PG Farmer’s Market and Carrot Top Pesto
This recipe is heavy on the garlic. I like it that way but feel free to adjust if you want a less intense garlic flavor.
Chocolate Cream Pie
I’m a feeder, you see, and get no greater pleasure in the world than feeding people. But a marriage proposal for a chocolate cream pie? I guess I’d have to see the ring first.
Adventures in Beirut, Lebanon
I’m in Beirut for my cousin’s engagement party. (A cousin from my mom’s side, not to be confused with the cousin from my dad’s side whose wedding I attended last month in Texas.)
Machu Picchu
I woke up at 4:30 knowing I needed to start moving. I had initially thought I’d walk up to Machu Picchu from Aguas Calientes, it’s about a 2 km walk with another 2km altitude gain but everyone kept telling me to take the bus up and walk down.
Relax in Santiago
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